Now that we have a 3 year old that doesn't nap anymore the naps don't come as easily as they used to. She's awake all day, every day of the week. As I've gotten closer to the birth of this baby I have become so incredibly tired.
Yesterday Jay's niece came over and helped get all the stuff out of the barn that I needed for the baby. Clothes, bassinet, swing, and all that good stuff. I think just watching her wore me out. Because once I had Chas down for a nap at 1 I went to bed and didn't get out of bed till after 5pm. About 20 minutes into the nap Bonnie came into the room with Candy Land. She played her game and watched videos next to me all afternoon. I really and seriously can't think of a better way to spend the afternoon these days.
This morning I put Chas down for his nap and about an hour later sure enough I was ready to fall asleep. I brought the laptop in for Bonnie to watch movies on my bed while I slept. Then I swear I thought I heard scooter growling at something and woke up. Turns out Bonnie sacked out right next to me. So currently I am the only one awake in the house as the other two sleep and it is pretty nice.
Here's a photo of the kids, just so the post isn't too boring.