Time seems to be slipping by me this summer. I don't seem to have enough of it to do anything, especially things that I'd like too. Plus having a new baby and a little boy that has hit the terrible twos doesn't help my time situation.
Here's a frustration I have. Cold medicine for kids. Now the labels don't want you giving cold medicine to children under 6! That is so ridiculous. I say this because my poor son has had a runny nose for over a week and I've got nothing to help ease the dripping. As an adult that is capable of blowing my nose I know how annoying it is for me but I can only imagine the frustration a 19 month old feels when he can't do anything about it. Well that's my rant for the day.
I'm now off to make a dinner menu for the week, clean house, do the dishes, feed the kids, and continually feed the baby. Wow sometimes motherhood sounds so boring. I think my first priority is to restock the house with diet coke (especially since the boy is already throwing his first fit of the day).
reach for life
2 days ago
It will get better one day, just hang on!
It might not get to better anytime soon!! But stock up on the diet coke!!!!! That helps!!!!!
I'm so glad you said the 'boring' part. I always post and think, 'is this as boring as I think it is?'. After reading your post I have hope, because it wasn't boring at all! Aren't you glad your kids are so stinkin cute!!! I love 'em! Give them hugs and kisses from Aunt Jeni!
Hang in there! Hope Chas's cold gets better soon!
Life can seem boring with only little ones around the home. Just wait, they go to school and life starts jumping. Plus you will have more energy. maybe. You'll find your energy when baby gets a few months older.
Thanks for all the positive comments. I think looking back at the post I was kind of out of it since I was not capable of creating some coherent sentences. Too funny.
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