Our little family took a much needed vacation to Portland last weekend. We started out by visiting the Japanese Gardens. They were so beautiful and we really enjoyed it. The only setback is if you have toddlers they really don't have free range to run anywhere they please. But I think we did a pretty good job of keeping her entertained.
Then we visited Langlitz Leathers. They were so nice to us. We picked up some cold weather gloves for our Scooter Riding. They really treated us so nicely and we had a great time at their place. Then it was down the street to Ptown Scooters. Again they were super friendly and let little Bonnie run crazy around the store. I just can't believe how utterly nice everyone in Portland is.
The next day it was off to more shopping. Did I mention I had a great time! Out first stop was here and it was so fun. I picked up this

and these fabrics.

Then it was off to this market. We ate lunch here and I picked up three Japanese books.
Then we headed off to Bolt. Probably my favorite part of the trip. I have never seen such a wonderful selection of fabric as I did in Bolt. I could of purchased the entire store. I started off with this selection

Then I moved onto purchasing this group
And lastly these two pieces of fabric. 

All in all we had so much fun. It was such a great trip and I'd do it a million times over again.