Time seems to be slipping by me this summer. I don't seem to have enough of it to do anything, especially things that I'd like too. Plus having a new baby and a little boy that has hit the terrible twos doesn't help my time situation.
Here's a frustration I have. Cold medicine for kids. Now the labels don't want you giving cold medicine to children under 6! That is so ridiculous. I say this because my poor son has had a runny nose for over a week and I've got nothing to help ease the dripping. As an adult that is capable of blowing my nose I know how annoying it is for me but I can only imagine the frustration a 19 month old feels when he can't do anything about it. Well that's my rant for the day.
I'm now off to make a dinner menu for the week, clean house, do the dishes, feed the kids, and continually feed the baby. Wow sometimes motherhood sounds so boring. I think my first priority is to restock the house with diet coke (especially since the boy is already throwing his first fit of the day).